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Pupil Appraisal Services


Pupil Appraisal Services are an integral part of the Iberia Parish School System's total instructional program. This department conducts evaluations of students to determine whether they are exceptional and in need of special education services. A comprehensive multidisciplinary evaluation is completed by qualified examiner's including, but not limited to educational diagnosticians, school psychologists, school social workers and speech pathologists certified by the State Department of Education.

A number of pre-referral activities must occur before a student receives a formal evaluation. When concerns are expressed by the teacher or the parent a meeting is arranged with the School Building Level Committee (SBLC). Information regarding educational interventions, cumulative records, health screening, and any other pertinent data are reviewed. The committee's options include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Conduct no further evaluation
  • Conduct additional interventions
  • Refer the student for possible 504 evaluation
  • Refer the student to Pupil Appraisal for an individual evaluation

Parental participation is essential in any meeting requiring a decision regarding their child in areas of identification and evaluation. Parents are participants throughout the pre-referral process. When an initial evaluation is conducted, informed parental consent is required. At that time, parents receive an explanation of their rights concerning evaluation procedures.

An evaluation to determine eligibility for special education services is based on an ongoing comprehensive assessment that results in an in depth, comprehensive report. The systematic process of review, examination, and interpretation of the interventions, test results, interviews, observations, relevant functional and developmental information and eligibility determination are completed within 60 business days from the date the parent gives written consent for an evaluation.

Child Search and school age age  - Not enrolled in IPSD
The Child Search Team offers educational evaluation services for preschool students who may have special needs. Please call 337-365-2343 for more information.

Preschool or School Age Enrolled in IPSD
Contact your child's school to request a School Building Level Committee Meeting (SBLC) to discuss your concerns.

School Age Not Enrolled in IPSD
Contact the Special Education Office  to schedule a meeting to discuss your concerns.